I stumbled on this crafting idea some time ago but never really got around to testing it. These weird and stressful times are the perfect opportunity to whip out all my arts and craft equipment and play around, just to clear my head, keep myself busy and distracted at home.
So here it is : the self-walking feet! This is super simple to make, yet somehow a bit creepy but so fun to play around with! It really freaked my cat out!
That’s really all you need, and most of these things should already be found in your home. At least, their equivalents!
Colorful sheets of paper. You could also reuse old wrapping paper, newspapers, or old magazine pages, etc.
A paper straw
A pencil
Two (2) short sticks or a long one cut in half **
A cardboard cylinder. I used an empty ribbon roll but you could also use a duct tape roll.
** Ideally, I recommend crafting sticks because they are thicker than BBQ skewers. But if that’s all you have at home, that’ll work out just fine, but the skewers will slip out of the straw more easily, that’s all. If you have any stick that would fit just right inside a straw without being too snug inside, that would be perfect.
On the back of a colorful sheet of paper, draw a pair of feet. You could also outline the contour of your own feet, just for fun.
Cut out the feet you just drew.
Cut the paper straw in half and tape the extremity of each half under each feet, on the inner side, a little below the big toe.
If you’re working with an empty cardboard roll or cylinder, cover it with colorful paper to make it pretty. If you’re using a roll of duct tape that is still functional, better skip this step.
Tape a short stick on each side of the cylinder. Notice on the picture how the sticks are not placed at the same level. The stick on the left is taped on the lower side while the stick on the right is taped to the upper side of the roll. This will allow for the walking part of the craft.
Now place the left foot on the left side of the cylinder, and the right foot on the right side.
Insert the sticks inside the straws. And that’s it!
How simple was that? All that’s left to do is make the feet walk! Put them on a flat surface, give the roll a slight push and watch it walk away! Play around with slanted surfaces.
The sticks roll inside the straws, allowing for the walking movement. Check out my Instagram or Facebook account for a short video of the feet walking!
Alright! Have fun and stay safe.